Tag: reservoir

  • Crane Lake

    Crane Lake

    It was a larger than expected group. A perfect day but chilly to start. After briefly outlining the purpose of my walk we set off to Nun’s Cross Farm, here we admired the old stone cross (sited on a boundary and reave). Paul had a photo showing the inscriptions, only visible when the sun is…

  • Haytor and Bagtor Walk

    Haytor and Bagtor Walk

    Leaders S. Holley and D. Eeles (helped by P. Watson) These mines are among the most interesting on the moor, featuring as they do the largest dam, longest tramway and largest waterwheel on the moor as well as puzzling features which, unusually, we were able to go some way to demystifying. After parking cars at…

  • Steeperton Mine

    Steeperton Mine

    According to Dines Steeperton Mine (aka Knack Mine) was an unsuccessful trial on the western slopes of Steeperton Tor.Helen Harris in her book the Industrial Archaeology of Dartmoor gives a little more information as follows:At the foot of the western slopes of Steeperton Tor are the remains of Steeperton Tor or Knack Mine which was…