Tag: leat
Upper Plym Mills
Leader: D. Eeles A cheerful group, including two new members from the USA, gathered at the designated car park on what turned out to be a surprisingly hot day. David Eeles welcomed us and after a wait the walk began taking us via the outer enclosure of Whittenknowles settlement, a vantage point giving an impressive…
Crane Lake
It was a larger than expected group. A perfect day but chilly to start. After briefly outlining the purpose of my walk we set off to Nun’s Cross Farm, here we admired the old stone cross (sited on a boundary and reave). Paul had a photo showing the inscriptions, only visible when the sun is…
West Beam Calciner
Photo 1: This photo shows the well constructed opening at the end of the calciner adjoining the cottage which was used for retrieving the burnt ore which would have been raked out from an opening to the left not now intact. Behind the substantial lintel is the separate sump referred to in the text. Above…
Tinners on Dartmoor
Above are photos show examples of: various tinners’ remains, including “streamworks”, “openworks”, “lodeback workings”. Associated with streamworks are buildings called “tinners’ huts” (also called “lodges”). To crush the ore “stamps” were used. The stamps smashed the tin ore on “mortar” stones, creating a fine ore powder. This was processed, in “buddles”, to separate off the…