Updated: 21st August 2024
- Sandy Gerrard’s “Early Tin” WordPress site
- Article: slag from Brownie Cross, Devon
- Cassiterite images
- A Bronze Age ship-wreck with tin ingots
- Traces of tin found in Roman peat layer
- OUGS: description of tin-working at Vitifer
- Many pages looking at tin-working sites: DartmoorExplorations
- Description of water wheel designs
- Articles about tin production
- Medieval Tin Smith
- Archive document on women & children working in mines
- Legendary Dartmoor. Vast amount of local information
- Dartmoor ice glaciers
- Old OS maps – National Library of Scotland
- Book about Cornish engine houses
- Devon Archaeological Society
- The Dartmoor Trust Archive
- Heritage Gateway Search
- Kelly Mine – working musuem