DTRG Constitution

  1. NAME
    • The name of the organisation shall be the Dartmoor Tinworking Research Group. Although based in the Dartmoor area of Devon, England, the Group has members worldwide.
    • The objectives of the Group (hereinafter referred to as the DTRG) shall be to advance the education of the general public, and in particular those living in and around Dartmoor, by researching (or promoting research) into the history, archaeology, cultural and scientific topics which may be associated with the Dartmoor tin industry, to promote the conservation of features associated with Dartmoor tinworkings and to disseminate the results of such research to the public by means of:
    1. Undertaking archaeological survey and excavation, and publishing the results of such activities in the appropriate historical and archaeological journals, or on the DTRG website.
    2. Encouraging and promoting documentary, oral, or other historical research, by members and others, relating to tin working areas or sites on Dartmoor, or any other aspect of the tin working industry. Ensuring that the results of that research are published in relevant journals or made available to the public through the DTRG website and newsletters.
    3. Maintaining an archive of collected material from (a) and (b) above (and any other available sources) which shall be accessible to the public for research and educational purposes, both through documentary and computerised access.
    4. Providing speakers for promotion of education and research relating to the tin industry on Dartmoor, for local history or other interested groups. Leading walks to relevant sites for those interested, including the general public, as well as DTRG members.
    5. Such other activities as may be deemed necessary by the committee of the DTRG to fulfil the charitable and educational objectives of the Group.
    1. Membership of the DTRG shall be open to any person who is interested in the objectives mentioned above, and willing to pay the annual subscription.
    2. The annual subscription shall be decided by members at the Annual General Meeting, on advice from the committee. Payment will be due on 1 January each year.
    3. Any member may discontinue his or her membership at any time by notice in writing to the secretary. The committee may discontinue the membership of any member whose subscription is six months in arrear or, in exceptional circumstances, where the conduct of a member is judged to have put in jeopardy the objectives or reputation of the DTRG. In the latter case, any such individual shall have the right to be represented and be present at the meeting where any such decision is made.
    1. The Group shall hold an AGM in March of each year for the purpose of hearing reports on the year’s work, electing officers and other committee members, and discussing any matter relating to any business of the DTRG. A minimum of 14 days notice of an AGM must be given to members. 15 members present at any such meeting shall represent a quorum. In the event of quorum not being present, the meeting shall be adjourned to a date, time and place within the ensuing 14 days, chosen by the chairman, and the members present at such an adjourned meeting shall constitute a quorum.
    2. All members are entitled to vote on any proposal put before the AGM. In the event of a tied vote, the chairman’s casting vote will decide the matter.
    1. The management of the DTRG shall be vested in a committee consisting of the chairman, secretary and treasurer (the officers) and not more than six members.
    2. The officers and committee members shall be elected by an open election held at an AGM. Candidates may be proposed by ordinary members or by the existing committee. Retiring committee members may stand for re-election. Committee members shall take office at the end of the meeting at which they are elected.
    3. In addition to the elected members, the committee may also co-opt additional members who have specialist skills or knowledge which may be used in furtherance of the Group’s objectives. The committee may also assign the additional responsibilities of Excavation Director(s), Fieldwork Director(s), Newsletter Editor, Website Controller, Archivist, or any other such field or responsibility deemed appropriate, to existing or co-opted members of the committee.
    4. Five members of the committee shall constitute a quorum. The term of office for elected committee members must not exceed three years, when they may, if proposed and seconded, offer themselves to the AGM for re-election.
    5. The chairman shall preside at all committee meetings. In the absence of the chairman, a vice-chairman will be elected by the committee members for the purpose of that meeting only.
    • To achieve the objectives of the DTRG, but not for any other purpose, the committee may exercise its powers to:
    1. Raise funds and invite and receive contributions by means of subscription, donation, grant or other means, provided that it conforms to any relevant requirements of law, and does not undertake any substantial permanent trading activity.
    2. Purchase any equipment or materials required for the achievement and maintenance of the objectives of the DTRG. Sell or otherwise dispose of any such items which are no longer required for those purposes.
    3. Co-operate with other charities, voluntary bodies and government authorities operating in furtherance of the objectives of the Group, or for similar charitable purposes. Exchange information and advice with such organisations.
    4. Appoint and institute such advisory committees as the committee may think fit.
    5. Do all other lawful things as are necessary for the achievement of the objectives.
    1. This constitution can only be amended or altered by an assenting vote of two-thirds of the members present at an AGM, or an EGM called specifically for that purpose.
    2. A resolution for any amendment to the constitution must be received by the secretary at least 30 days before the meeting at which the resolution is to be put before the meeting. Members will receive notification of any such resolution at least 14 days before the AGM or EGM concerned.
    3. An EGM may be convened at any time by a resolution of the committee, or on the written request of at least 10 members of the Group, and shall be held within 30 days of such a written request. The secretary shall give members at least 14 days notice of any such meetings. A quorum shall be the same as at the AGM.
    • These are the responsibility of the committee, and any other person authorised by the committee, all of whom shall see that they are maintained in good order.
    1. All income and expenditure is the responsibility of the treasurer and the committee whose agreement is required before committing funds for expenditure. Receipts will be obtained, and kept by the treasurer, for all expenditure other than very minor cash purchases.
    2. The treasurer will be responsible for recording all financial transactions, presenting interim accounts at committee meetings, and annual accounts to the members at the AGM.
    3. The accounting year of the Group shall run from 1 January to 31 December each year.
    4. Bank accounts shall be maintained in the name of the DTRG and operated by the treasurer. The signatures of two committee members will be required on any cheques drawn on these accounts. The treasurer and committee may transfer monies between these accounts in order to manage the affairs of the DTRG in a prudent manner, provided that all transactions are within the law and the objectives of the Group. The same condition applies to any expenditure authorised. Any funds donated for a specific purpose shall be expended only for that purpose and may not be used for the general running of the group.
    1. The DTRG may be dissolved by a resolution passed by a two-thirds majority of the members present at an AGM, or an EGM convened for that purpose. Members will receive at least 30 days notice of any such notice.
    2. The committee (or its appointed sub-committee) will distribute the assets, historic material and artefacts of the DTRG as far as possible in accordance with the following principles:
    1. Funds and other assets remaining shall be distributed among other charitable organisations concerned either with historical and archaeological research into the tin mining industry, or with the history and archaeology of Dartmoor.
    2. All historical material (including but not limited to documents, books, pictures, writings, maps, digital records and artefacts) that the DTRG has collected will be deposited in the safe-keeping of any historical society, museum or other bodies concerned with providing access to this material for the general public. The committee will be responsible for deciding who shall receive these records etc, on the basis of access to the public and ability to store and display the information.